
Mindways has a long history of support and direct participation in scientific research with institutions all over the world. QCT is an enabling technology that allows the quantification of image data from a CT scanner giving access to the information necessary to answer specific research questions related to bone loss and tissue composition changes.

Academic Research

Our investigational modules enhance the capabilities of QCT Pro™ with analysis tools that offer researchers an unparalleled opportunity to explore CT images in relation to tissue densities and structural parameters.

The Bone Investigational Toolkit (BIT) allows the analysis of bone geometry and shape required to compute mechanical parameters associated with hip bone strength. Our Tissue Composition Module (TCM) enables the efficient segmentation and quantification of lean and fat tissues in axial CT images.

Clinical Trials

In addition to these investigative tools, QCT has been used in pharmaceutical clinical trials for osteoporosis and bone metabolic disease since it was developed in the 1980's. In such trials, QCT provides substantially more information than the traditional bone densitometry with DXA. Measurement of the isolated trabecular bone may be used to more sensitively measure changes in bone mineral density, giving an earlier indication of treatment effect.

Recent clinical trials in therapeutic agents for osteoporosis and other bone metabolic diseases have involved the measurement of cortical thickness at the proximal femur, and finite element modeling (FEM) for strength analysis of both the vertebrae and the femoral neck. Accurate models of the bones require calibrated bone mineral density data as an input to the FEM process.

New Research Collaborations

In both academic and clinical research, Mindways technologies and the expertise of its staff continue to play an important role in the diagnosis, understanding and treatment of osteoporosis and other bone diseases. As the field of bone densitometry has evolved to encompass bone strength analysis and other disease areas and processes including sarcopenia and visceral fat analysis, Mindways has retained its leadership in the field with tools to help researchers gather accurate and precise data from CT images.

Our collaborative work with clinical and academic research groups continues to ensure that this will be the case in the future. Manuscripts cited on our References page provide a glimpse of past research activities and current research interests.

Contact us for further information.
